Mobile and Broadband Widgets

With over a million mobile phone deals in our mobile phone comparison widget, your users will be spoilt for choice for offers.

And with stickee’s broadband widget, you can present tens of the market’s best broadband deals on your site, making money from your existing traffic from day one.

All you have to do is pop in a couple of lines of code into any page on your website and you can begin to make revenue from your existing traffic in minutes. You provide the top quality, engaging content, and we’ll provide the market leading deals. Easy!

You can insert the widget into a number of different pages on your website, resizing it to fit in with your content, ads and other on-site widgets. The widgets are fully responsive, meaning you can monetise your mobile, tablet and desktop traffic with the same widget.

To find out more about our widgets, please get in touch with us at


Mobile Widgets Demo

Broadband Widgets Demo

Speed Checker Demo